I realised that I'd not shown the before photos of the bathroom, so here they are below
Looking in from the door
View from toilet towards the bath
View from the shower
The photos of the bathroom by the end of day yesterday I've already shared in the previous post
Today it looks like this, the plan for the layout has changed since yesterday
The new plan is the door way will now be on the right had side
The vanity unit will be on the right hand side still but pushed towards the far wall
The shower will be along the left side wall it will be lovely and big
The stud partition wall will be extended as the doorway will be further to the left, then the toilet will back onto that and sit next to the shower, the doorway into the shower will be on the right hand side
Steps from the main living area led down to a hallway of sorts, that has a door leading out to the garden, there's a log burner that is coming out, to the left of that is a space housing the hot water cylinder, which is also coming out
There's a small toilet
With a cupboard next to the loo
Another cupboard opposite, door on the right leads to the master bedroom
The log burner still needs to come out
The new layout in this space will consist of a new toilet with hand basin where the cupboard was, in the space where the window is, we'll put in an entrance from the drive.
Essentially what you see when you come up the drive is the back of the house, it's not very attractive and to gain access you have to come into the garden, not very private at all.
Probably hard to visualise at the moment but all will come together later
Luckily a skip was delivered today, just as well the garage was filing up!
Timber for the bonfire
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