Thursday, 6 March 2025

After the lull, things are happening again at the top house

 On Saturday a digger turned up and started clearing the drains

then it moved up to the top house to do some work there

 Before photo of the drive

 The drive today

 Where 2 new water tanks are going 


After, woodshed and Manuka tree gone

Before, craft room in background 


Before, old woodshed and Manuka tree


A lot of gorse has been cleared

Back around

To level the right hand side of the drive, earth was taken from the left hand side of the drive. First the topsoil was taken off, then clay dug out and used on the other side
Then the topsoil was put back. The digger driver has done an impressive job 👏 

Where the old tank ended up. It's new home will be somewhere on the hill, below the clay line. I'm surprised it survived being dragged down the hill

Finally, for today,  because this post has taken me ages cos Blogger is being a twat, nowhere near as good as it used to be, anyhoo, the new craft space is now pre wired

View's improved with that bloody gorse slowly disappearing

There's more to show, the digger, before doing all that, has been clearing drains. No photos yet though 

See ya next time

Sue xxxx

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